General Fiction posted May 10, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
on time for a date...

Season Out Of Time

by jim vecchio

 There must be some way out of here. After all, I’m  Jim Riley.

“Always On Time Riley. “

The envy of the 76th floor. Always there, in the right place, in the right time. There first on the big deals. There first in the line of promotions.

There just is no stopping me!

I truly was in the right place, at the right time, when I bumped into Michelle.

We played games as children. We grew up together. Then, we became more than playmates. We became lovers. We made some beautiful moves together, Michelle and I.

She was always there when I needed her.

Who knows what might have happened had I remained with her. But the right offer came at such a time, I couldn’t refuse it.

Now, once more, I was in the right place, the right time. I turned the corner, and there she was! Of all the people in the world!

So, it was no more, bye- bye Michelle, but welcome to the rest of my life!

I worked my way up the corporate ladder pretty darn quickly. After all, I was Mister Dependable, always there, always so prompt.

Now to work my way back into her life.

Our flame had never burned out.

We renewed our acquaintance and agreed to meet over breakfast today, 9:30 a.m.

Always on time, I left the office shortly after nine so she would not have to linger without me. Wouldn’t want anyone to get a hold on her now that she was so close to me again.

As usual, I rang up the elevator.

In the right place, again. I missed the morning crowd completely.

I pressed the button to the Main Lobby. The elevator began its downward ride. Still on time!

Suddenly, a loud noise. A shaking.

Something’s gone wrong.

No worry. I’m in the right place. It’ll be easy to get out. This elevator is equipped for any emergency. It has a fire safety mode.

When the fire service mode is activated, the elevator cab is designed to return to the ground floor. If smoke is detected on the ground floor, the elevator is designed to return the cab to an alternate floor.


Stopped, the elevator, vibrating, not moving.

Maybe I’ve been a little too complacent. I’m dependable and I expect everything and everyone around me to be dependable.

I expected the elevator to do anything I wanted, without contradiction.

But, like some humans, elevators can be complicated and have the possibilities of malfunctioning.

This elevator is kept closed by an interlock system.  If I jam open the door, the fall will mean certain death.

Smoke begins to filter into the elevator. It’s getting black. If a fall doesn’t kill me, the smoke will.

In my last moments, I remember it all. My childhood friends. My indiscretions and my joys.

The feeling I had when I arose. The barometer said, “cold and windy”, but the air was as sweet and warm as a spring day. There was laughter in the air.

While I stood trapped in my private little coffin, I heard the sounds of thousands screaming and running.

This is the day I die. Let me remember this date. Even if the world doesn’t remember, it will be my final memory.

September 11, 2001.

Trapped! writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
The theme is Stuck on an Elevator. No poetry. No other rules.


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