Writing Fiction posted May 9, 2024

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
An interesting beginning to a relationship.

A Happening to Remember

by HarryT

It happened on Harry’s first date with Lorie. They met by accident at the University library. Well, for Lorie, it was an accident, but since the day he first saw her in their American Literature class, Harry wanted to meet her and ask for a date. They were working at separate tables, doing research for an assignment due the next week. He watched her get up from the table and walk to the bookshelf. She stood on her toes and reached for a book on an upper shelf. Her delicate fingers just could not grasp the spine.

Wow! This is my chance. Harry walked by her and reached over her hand and got the book, bowed, and handed it to her. She smiled, and said, “Why thank you, kind sir.” Lorie, a petite, dark-haired girl, with tiny freckles across the bridge of her delicate nose. She had a way of crossing her legs in class and dangling her shoe from her foot that drove Harry to distraction. 

"Glad to help. I’m Harry. We’re in the same lit class."

"Yes, I know, I noticed you. You sit one seat behind me in the next row. I’m Lorie."

"Hey, I’m so pleased to finally meet you. I have a thought. How about you let me take you downtown?"

She smiled and said, "Well, sir, you sure don’t waste time. But I’d think I would like that. You can pick me up at my apartment at seven on Saturday. I’m in the University address book."

"Really! Great! Last name please."

"Oh, right, Willson with two L's."

"Okay, Lorie Willson with two L's. How about I take you to see the colors change on Buckingham Fountain and then to the London House for dinner and to hear Ramsey Lewis."

"Oh, that sounds like a wonderful evening. Thank you. I will be ready."

Harry arrived with a single long stemmed rose at 5 pm on the dot. When Lorie opened the door, he bowed and handed her the rose. Her roommates, June and Heather, giggled as they watched, wanting to get a look at the guy Lorie was dating.

Lorie said, "I just love a red rose."

"Be careful. I’m not sure I got all the thorns."

Lorie took a long whiff and then handed it to June and asked her to put it in a vase.

They took the El downtown from the Davis Street station. As Harry promised, they visited Buckingham Fountain and watched the yellow, blue, purple and red lights appear to dance on the Fountain’s reflection pool. As the lights changed hues, a misty spray covered them as bursts of water shot over 150 feet into the air. They smiled and laughed, loving every second of their fountain experience.

They were a bit damp, as they headed toward the London House, but they figured they would dry in the warm evening air. When they walked into the lobby, Lorie said she wanted to go to the washroom and do some repairs. Harry took a seat by the elevators. He had made a 9:30 reservation for dinner and it was already 9:25.

Lorie came out of the washroom and gave a come-hither glance to Harry as she headed for the elevator. He bounced off his chair and impulsively grasped her hand. She did not resist. He pushed the up button, and the golden doors whooshed open. It was only the two of them in the car. He pushed the button for floor 22, where the Roof Top Bar was located.

Harry looked at Lorie and said, “Thank you for spending this evening with me.”

Lorie's cheeks reddened, and she squeezed his hand. Suddenly, bang, a jerk and the car shuttered. The floor indicator flashed 19. Lorie fell back and slumped against the car wall. Harry kept his balance and went to Lorie. Her eyes were closed. He softly tapped her cheek. He saw her open her eyes and try to climb to her feet.

"I feel dizzy."

Harry caught her and helped sit back against the wall.

"Don’t! Just sit and rest."

Harry walked to the button panel and pushed button 22. Nothing happened. Then he pushed several other buttons, but no response. “What’s going on?” He murmured to himself. Then he pushed the alarm button, but it didn’t sound. He yelled, “Hey, we’re stuck on the 19th floor,” several times, trying to suppress a rising panic mode. But there was no answer. Harry pried the doors open a crack. A dark wall, they were stuck between floors. He walked back and sat next to Lorie and bravely said, “Don’t worry, they will get us out.”

Both their stomachs were churning. A tear rolled down Lorie’s cheek. Harry put his arm around her and said, "I’m so sorry, I got you into this."

“Don’t be silly, it’s not your fault,” she said as she nuzzled under his arm.

Harry could not help but think they were trapped in this darn steel coffin. Then his mind flashed back to the time he and his cousin were hanging from a seat high on top of the parachute ride at Riverview. It took some time, but the chute finally opened, and they floated safely back to the ground. Harry told Lorie the story.

"That was good. You got down safe. But I think we want to go up and not down."

Harry smiled at her and said, "Yeap, I guess you are right about that."

They both could feel each other’s hearts thumping.

Lorie squeezed Harry’s hand and said, "Do you think they know we’re here?"

Harry said, "I think so. Try not to worry. We had a 9:30 reservation."

Then the emergency lights in the car blinked out. Darkness shrouded them. They held each other and a strange calm seemed to set in. Then, a bang echoed, the car lurched and began to rise. A sense of relief poured through their veins. They got to their feet. The doors slid open. They were on the 22nd floor. Two hotel staff members, with concern on their faces, bid them welcome and said to Harry we have your table. Please stay, everything is on us.

Harry turned to Lorie. "What do you say?"

 "Let’s do it," she said.

The Matre’d led them to a table with a magnificent view of the lighted city below. "Have a pleasant rest of the evening. May I take a drink order?"

Harry ordered two glasses of Pinot Noir. They looked into each other eyes, raised their glasses and both said, "To us."

After taking a sip, Lorie said, "Well, this surely has been an interesting evening. I now have a great story to tell my children one day."

"Me too," Harry hopefully said, smiling at Lorie and leaning over, giving her a kiss.

She did not retreat and after their lips parted, Lorie said, "I hope there are many more of those."

Trapped! writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
The theme is Stuck on an Elevator. No poetry. No other rules.

Photo by --Chidinma WHSE Nigeria
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