Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted June 1, 2023

This work has reached the exceptional level
We all discover our path to faith differently ...

Unearthed Faith

by Melodie Michelle

Lying awake
on most nights,
when I'm alone
and trying to make
sense out
of some things
that do not
want to make sense ...

Cringing to myself
because of the
mixed sensations
I feel swirling around
and taking a big
deep breath while
hoping for grace
in a world
that doesn't have any ...

Wisdom notes
tell me truths
of things I should've
known all along.
Out of focus
like most of the world
just now gaining the
mind power
it will take
to conquer the guise ...

Everyone dark seems
to have no compassion
and people, in general
want kindness and respect,
when they give
none to themselves
much less to another,
who has no clue
of what it takes
inside to be truly successful or to
find happiness
within themselves ...

Bleakness opens her arms
to show our secret
of not believing
in the dreariness at all
but rather gives hope,
to those waiting
for God's grace
to finally unveil,
summoning up
unearthed faith ...

Free Form Poetry Contest contest entry


I enjoyed writing this free form/free verse poem for the contest and if you read it without expecting something, you will understand why I wrote it the way that I did! If I changed it more than what I have, it ceases being my poem and becomes someone else's.

This is the definition according to Wikipedia of free form or free verse poetry:

Free verse or free form is an open form of poetry, which in its modern form arose through the French vers libre form. It does not use consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any musical pattern. It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech. ~Wikipedia

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